Storm is coming




Like cats already have too paws in the spirit world

State of being only half in this world

Second nature, always been this way

As a child more there then here

As an adult more here then there

But a storm is coming

And I want to go with it

Want it to take me to you

Want it to lead me

This storm,


It’s  you?

pic crazy-frankenstein

Dark, deep and strong

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Dark, deep and strong

Maybe right, maybe wrong

Caring less, caring more

But still walking through that door

Strange but more, more but strange

Why do I want, why do I need

Maybe I just need to feed

It needs to be you, it needs to be me

Tonight dark dreams are free

Sharper then a knife, cutting trough me

For you

Is my soul to keep

Were will this lead me

My emotions seem to go all over the place

Can’t get grip on them

And I’m tired, so tired

Trying hard to get in the right direction

So many plans

Why is body and mind still working against me

Why is it so restless

Can’t seem to find out what it wants

I always liked going through things alone

Share after, or not share

Why does it feel so different now

Were is this longing coming from

Somethings changing inside for some time now

Were will this lead me

pic coolchaser

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Starring outside to the rain and leaves on the floor

everything is calmer after the storm

I know you’re not doing the same

Laying in bed, save from the cool night

Dreaming of someone, so clear in your mind

Night is calling like always

The clear night air even stronger after rain

And all it hides in shadows of lampposts

And car lights

The noises so much louder than by day

Hushed secrets, blinding the way

Wich desire is stronger

You or the night

Softly laying beside you

You won tonight

pic fineartamerica

Would you let me in

If wandering trough the night

I end up at your door

Would you let me in

And not try anything

Would you let me take a shower

Would you share your food

Let me rest for about an hour

As your words do sooth

Would you sing a song

And make me laugh

Then I know it won’t be long

Before I might be sleeping in your bed

In the morning you will remember the things I said;

It was not accidental

I ended up at yours

I choose this one, out of so many doors

To be safe, to be with a friend

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Over and over

Taste of metal

Fighting fiercely

Sleep and fruit

Tired yet  wondering

Nothing clear

Many black forms passing

Lost balance still

Hair given up

Burning some old

Taking with me what is learned

And what is loved in heart

Still cocooning

Over and over

Ever more changing

Soon born again

A new creation

pic unfortunately could not find a name

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